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What Is the Longest Headache?

Last updated on September 23rd, 2022 at 01:30 pm

When you have a headache, it feels like it lasts forever – even if it’s just a few hours. But what is the longest headache? Let’s find out..

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A headache is something that most people would have experienced at some point. It is believed that there are not more than 5% to 10% of people who have never got a headache. Most headaches resolve on their own or can be treated quickly.

A serious problem is when headaches cannot be treated easily. Headaches that go on for many hours or days together can be extremely troublesome. Such headaches affect quality of life.

A serious type of headache is a migraine and some migraines can last up to 72 hours. A person had a headache for twelve years. There are many other cases of people suffering for years together with no solution in sight.

Continuous Headache For Days

A chronic headache is one that lasts for many days. There could be various reasons for such headaches. Most commonly, migraine headaches last for many hours and can even last for many days.

Having a continuous headache for days together can be a terrible experience. While the pain levels may vary, the chronic pain can affect normal life.

Apart from migraine, stress and injuries can be why someone is experiencing continuous headache for days. When a headache lasts for days together, it should never be taken lightly. It could be something serious.

what is the longest headache?

Continuous Headache For 3 Days

People can have headaches that last for many days. It is possible that a person experiences a headache that lasts for 3 days continuously. Having a headache for a few hours can be painful – a headache for 3 days would be debilitating.

In most cases, a headache that lasts for 3 days could be due to a migraine. When someone experiences a migraine attack, the pain can be throbbing or pounding in nature. It can last for a few hours to 3 days.

Such headaches must not be ignored. A headache that lasts continuously for many days must be reported to a doctor. The doctor would diagnose the cause and initiate treatment.

Headaches that do not respond to painkillers

The first thing most people do when they get a headache is to pop a painkiller. There are many painkiller medications available as OTC drugs. Most painkillers work immediately providing instant relief.

This is why painkillers (also known as analgesics) are popular. When you suffer from a severe headache, taking a painkiller is not a problem. However, these medicines must not be taken for long since they can damage the kidney and liver.

When a headache does not respond to painkillers, it can be worrying. You should immediately visit a doctor for treatment. Your doctor may recommend you to a neurologist or a specialist who can diagnose the reason and suggest other treatment options.

When painkillers don’t work, there are other options available. These include:

  • Stress management through exercises, meditation, etc.
  • Lifestyle changes that include a proper diet that excludes triggers for headaches.
  • Getting the right amount of sleep is important, should be neither too less nor too much. 7-8 hours’ sleep is recommended.
  • Therapies like biofeedback and CBT (cognitive behavior therapy).
  • Alternative therapies like acupressure and acupuncture.
  • Yoga and meditation offer physical as well as mental benefits that can help in pain management.
what is the longest headache?

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Why do I Keep Getting Headaches Everyday?

An occasional headache is not something to worry about. If you keep getting a headache frequently, it is definitely a cause for worry.

Chronic headaches are those that occur for more than 15 days in a month. They can last for more than 3 months. There could be various reasons for such headaches:

  • It could be due to inflammation in the brain region that could be indicative of a tumor or a stroke.
  • An injury to the head could lead to chronic headaches.
  • Meningitis is an infection that can cause frequent headaches.
  • When you take too much of medication, you can get a rebound headache. This is a headache that occurs due to medicines.
  • Chronic migraine is a condition that leads to frequent headaches and can have severe symptoms.
  • Tension headaches can be chronic, and you can keep getting these headaches regularly.

When to Worry about a Headache?

A headache should never be taken lightly. There are certain indicators that tell you the headache is a matter of concern. The signs given below are a cause for worry, and you need to see a doctor immediately:

  • A headache that keeps increasing in severity.
  • Headaches that occur after the age of 50.
  • A headache that worsens when you move or cough.
  • Any change in the pattern of headache.
  • A headache with fever, stiff neck, visual or speech problems, and weakness.
  • Getting a headache after a blow to your head.
  • A headache that prevents you from carrying out your regular activities.

Constant Headache for a Week

There are various types of headaches like tension headache, cluster headache, sinus headache, etc. But if you have a constant headache for a week, then it could be migraine.

Migraine is a type of headache that can last long for hours and even days. The pain could be pounding or throbbing causing severe discomfort. Migraine pain could be accompanied by symptoms like nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light, etc.

Genetic and environmental factors are responsible for causing migraine. You need to see a doctor and get diagnosed to understand the cause. Thankfully treatment is available for migraine.

The treatment would involve medications to prevent symptoms as well as medications for symptomatic relief. Lifestyle changes and home remedies can also be helpful in treating migraine.

Headaches Everyday and Tired

Experiencing a headache every day can leave you tired and exhausted. If you face this situation, you could be suffering from a migraine.

It could also be due to various other reasons including sleep problems or some other condition. It is important to see a doctor, so the cause can be zeroed in and appropriate treatment started.

Severe Headache Treatments

When you are suffering from a severe headache that is very painful, you will probably reach out for a painkiller. There are many treatment options that you can try before resorting to painkillers. Here are a few options to try:

  • Get some rest in a dark and quiet room. This is very useful for migraine patients.
  • Heat therapy can help. You can use a heating pad or take a warm shower to get relief from a headache.
  • Some people would find cold therapy a better option. They can use an ice pack on the affected area or take a cold shower.
  • Massaging the affected area or trying out acupressure can be helpful.
  • Steam inhalation can help in some cases.
  • Some people get relief by drinking coffee.
  • Relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation can be helpful.
what is the longest headache?

Faqs Related to How Long Headaches Last

The questions and answers given below will address all your queries about long headaches. The answers to these questions will help you understand what type of headaches last for a long time. It will also help you understand what is normal when it comes to headaches.

Is It Normal to Have Headaches for Months?

It is definitely not normal to have headaches for months. Such a headache could be due to migraine. These headaches can be debilitating, and you must get treated, so your quality of life is not affected.

A headache that lasts many months could be due to an underlying health problem. It is important that you see a doctor to avoid serious problems later.

Can Tension Headaches Last for Months?

A tension headache usually causes pain that ranges from mild to moderate. The pain is like a band around your head. It is a common headache whose causes are not fully understood.

A tension headache usually lasts for a few minutes but can extend for many days. If you are experiencing a tension headache for many months, then it could be chronic tension headache.

It is also possible that you have a migraine. It is not easy to distinguish a migraine from a tension headache.

How Long is Too Long for a Headache?

A headache that lasts for a few hours is experienced by most people. When the headache lasts for many hours, then it is a matter of concern.

The headache should resolve after a night’s sleep and treatment with medicines. If it continues for the next day or for many days, then it is a major problem.

Headaches that last for more than a day should not be ignored. When a headache lasts for 2 or 3 days, then you must visit a doctor to find out what is wrong.

Is It Normal to Have Headaches Everyday?

Having a headache every day is not a pleasant experience. It is definitely not normal to have a headache for every single day.

If you are experiencing a headache daily, it could be migraine. When you are suffering from migraine, you will get daily headaches with throbbing pain. The headache would be accompanied by symptoms like nausea and sensitivity to light.

If you experience a headache every day, then you should see a doctor. Never ignore such a headache as it could be a sign of some other problem.

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