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How Long Do Headaches Last After a Concussion?

Last updated on November 28th, 2022 at 11:49 am

After a concussion, headaches can last for a long time. It is vital that you get medical treatment and a professional opinion after any suspected brain injury…

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One of the most frequent after-effects of a brain injury is headaches. Nonetheless, for some people, they can evolve into a serious issue that lasts for a long time after the original injury, possibly becoming chronic post-concussion headaches. 

Types of headaches

Sometimes the intensity of a concussion is determined by the symptoms:

  • Headache and problem focusing on grade 0.
  • Grade 1 symptoms include a headache, trouble concentrating, and a momentary feeling of being bewildered.
  • Grade 2 symptoms are similar to grade 1 symptoms but last longer and may also include irritation, dizziness, disorientation, amnesia, and hearing ringing in the ears.
  • Grade 3: less than a minute of unconsciousness
  • Grade 4: a minute-long period of unconsciousness

What are the 6 stages of concussion recovery?

Stage 1

The first stage after suffering a serious brain injury is to seek a complete evaluation as soon as you can to ascertain the degree of the concussion.

To determine which systems are most impacted, doctors ask the patient to rank their symptoms on a scale of zero to six. This data, along with your medical records, will direct the therapy physicians recommend.

Stage 2

Concussions are severe injuries that take time to recover from. Limiting your mental and physical actions is essential for the healing process in the initial five days.

You should limit any form of mental stimulation, such as gaming, reading, and exercising, among others. Furthermore, physical symptoms are frequent and include headaches and neck pain.

As advised by your doctor, you should take over-the-counter medication. Pain control is crucial since one needs to maintain quiet and get some brain rest.

Stage 3

During the second to tenth days following the injury, get back to your routine. You can endure brief periods of watching television, reading, and very little exercise.

Take fewer medications. You should need less medicine as the pain starts to lessen. During this stage, it’s crucial to take over-the-counter drugs as necessary.

Stage 4

You may also begin therapy after the required 48 hours of rest. For the majority of patients, this entails beginning as soon as a concussion is identified.

Each session generally consists of cardiovascular exercise, breathing techniques, and sensory, neurological, and mental therapy.

Stage 5

During the seven to 21 days following a concussion, you can now participate in regular activities without needing medicines because the pain has probably subsided.

Once the doctors determine that there are no concussion signs, you can resume sports and other forms of physical exercise. 

Stage 6

There are additional actions you can do in conjunction with adhering to the procedure outlined above to expedite your brain’s recovery:

  • Get more rest and sleep as you need to.
  • Limit your caffeine intake and abstain from alcoholic drinks unless your doctor clears you to do so.
  • Be hydrated.
  •  Keeping an optimistic outlook and being patient with yourself is important.

Tips on headache after hitting head

  • For a headache after hitting the head, always get medical help. Apart from getting lots of rest and avoiding overdoing activities, there is no special therapy for mild head injuries.
  • Headaches, nausea, and mild mental issues are frequently experienced throughout the period when the brain is recovering from a head injury.
  • Prior to being recovered, postpone returning to any job, school, or sport.
After a concussion


I still have a headache after hitting head 3 days ago

Many people endure headaches that appear to persist for days following an accident, unlike some people who simply report a moderate headache and fatigue. This happens frequently when people get brain injuries in automobiles, sports, slip and fall accidents, and other incidents.

It is crucial to get a proper diagnosis when it concerns head injury therapy as this will help in healing and long-lasting relief from those unpleasant persistent headaches. Get medical attention if you still have a headache after hitting your head 3 days ago.

You shouldn’t return to play after suffering a concussion while participating in a sport. Consult a doctor right away to avoid the possibility of making your injury severe.

How long does a concussion last in adults?

As per Beaumont, eighty percent of concussions recover over seven to fourteen days, with a recovery time of ten days being the standard. Never resume any forms of exercise after a concussion before one week has passed since the injury.

How long after hitting the head can concussion symptoms start?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, signs and symptoms appear shortly after an accident. Nevertheless, some symptoms can not appear for hours or days, and you might not initially be aware of how severe the condition is.

For instance, a child or teenager may appear confused or dazed in the early going. However, after an hour, he or she may not be capable of remembering how they were injured.

Immediately following the incident and for a few days following the injury, you should keep an eye out for concussion symptoms. Take your kid to the emergency room as soon as possible if any concussion symptoms/signs worsen.

What are the long-term effects of concussion?

The condition known as post-concussion syndrome has an impact on several bodily functions. It can persist for months and cause symptoms like headaches or nausea.

Post-concussion symptoms might fade with time, but repeated head trauma can cause the deadly, incurable condition known as chronic traumatic encephalopathy. According to the CDC, nearly three million people in the US sustain concussions every year. 

Furthermore, it appears that 17 concussions on average are required to start experiencing the long-term effects of CTE.

  • No Memory

CTE has the potential to cause memory loss, much like post-concussion syndrome. Since repeated concussions can harm the brain, they can also induce severe forgetfulness.

  • Character Changes

The personalities of concussion patients may vary, as noticed by family members. These behavioral or emotional abnormalities can not appear for years or even decades after the original head injury.

  • Parkinson’s disease

Reported to be a significant long-term impact of concussions is Parkinson’s disease. The risk of this disease is increased by 50% in people who experience concussions.

It is a neurological condition that can result in trembling and rigidity in the arms and legs.

  • Alzheimer’s condition

Another typical concussion sign that can persist over time is Alzheimer’s disease. Memory problems and cognitive impairment are symptoms of this disease, a degenerative brain ailment.

Patients with Alzheimer’s eventually find it difficult to carry on ordinary duties or maintain conversations.

  • Difficulties in sleep

After a concussion, sleep problems could occur. The neurons responsible for sleep-wake regulation might suffer damage from brain trauma.

Therapy for sleep disorders is crucial because it can hinder your body’s ability to recover naturally from a trauma.

Are your post-concussion headaches getting worse?

Recurring headaches may need medical attention, including therapy, treatment, or medication from your doctor. The following can be useful:

  • Antidepressants.
  • Massage therapy.
  • Physical treatment
  • Injections of analgesics or steroids
  • Devices that stimulate the nerves
  • Behavioral and cognitive therapies
After a concussion


Although headaches following a traumatic brain injury might make it difficult to manage tasks, there are thankfully several therapeutic options available to stop headaches from becoming chronic. Consult your healthcare practitioner for advice on the best course of therapy.

Additionally, with intense mental or physical effort, autonomic nervous system migraines typically develop worse. It is crucial to continue exercising frequently even though movement may cause ANS headaches to feel severe.

The headaches themselves don’t hurt, but you need to keep the focus on your body. This is because ANS dysregulation can result in additional issues like vertigo, and vomiting, so you should know your limitations.

Even though it makes your headache momentarily worse, exercising is crucial for healing.

FAQ relating to can headaches cause nosebleeds

Are nosebleeds a symptom of a head injury?

There are exceptions, even though the majority of nosebleeds have harmless origins and don’t signal anything significant. It may be time to call a doctor if you have trauma-related bleeding from your nose.

What does a concussion headache feel like?

You may experience a headache similar to a migraine after a concussion. Your forehead or temples are the typical locations for pain at the top of the head.

The discomfort is frequently described as thumping or pulsating. It can occasionally be accompanied by nausea and hypersensitivity to light and sound.

Will concussion headaches go away?

Although headaches are prevalent, they frequently disappear within a few days or weeks. However, they occasionally endure longer.

Physical rest is crucial in the early days following a concussion. However, as the days pass, engaging in some movement and exercise can relieve them.

Beginning with easy exercises like walking or riding a bicycle, gradually raise the intensity of your activities.

However, this may make headaches more severe for some people. It’s crucial to begin gradually and pay attention to your feelings.

Why do I still have headaches after a concussion?

After a moderate to serious concussion and the primary healing has occurred, headaches can also develop.

Numerous factors might result in these headaches. This includes cervical and skull trauma that had not entirely recovered, stress, anxiety, or prescription side effects.

What helps a headache after a concussion?

Medicines that can raise bleeding risk should be avoided within the initial 24 hours. 

Every step of concussion healing requires sound sleep. If you are having trouble falling asleep, talk to your doctor about possible solutions.

You must stay hydrated and eat regularly when recovering from a concussion.

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