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Can Wearing Earplugs Cause Headaches?

Last updated on November 28th, 2022 at 11:43 am

Will wearing earplugs cause headaches? For some people, earplugs do cause something called external pressure headaches. Keep reading to find out about them…

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An earplug is a small device, which is worn to keep the inner ear safe from different types of damage like water and noise. Earplugs are differentiated based on the material they are made of.

These materials can be silicone, webbed rings, polyvinyl chloride foam or other materials. All earplugs do not offer the same level of hearing protection.

At times earplugs cause external compression headache while pressed against the inner year and jaw.

Can Wearing Earplugs Cause Vertigo?

Bacteria can grow and multiply in moist, warm places. If you plug the natural wax outlet for about 8 hours every day, it stops the wax from moving out of your ears.

At the same time, the earplug traps the germs and bacteria if you use it for a long period. It can lead to vertigo in extreme cases.

Can Wearing Earplugs Cause Sinus Infections

There are multiple reasons for ear infections, including sinus related infection, allergies,

changes in air pressure, and smoking. But, can earplugs cause an ear infection?

 If you constantly wear earplugs, bacteria build-up is possible. It can lead to inflammation of your middle ear canal or external ear canal.

In extreme cases, the ear infection can also extend to sinuses and cause condition, such as fistula, cerebral abscess, or meningitis.

Sleeping with Earplugs Side Effects

With continuous use of earplugs, earwax can be continuously pushed back into the ear leading to a buildup. It can trigger different issues, such as tinnitus and temporary hearing loss.

You may have to use ear drops for softening it or visit your doctor to clear the accumulated wax. Ear infections are also common due to prolonged use of earplugs.

They can occur because of the earwax buildup but bacteria on earplugs may also trigger them. Any ear infection can be painful and also have lasting complications like loss of hearing if not treated properly.

Typically, earplugs are classified into non-vented and vented categories. There is a small hole in a vented earplug that aids in equalizing your ear pressure. The earplugs come in handy for scuba diving and flying but are not superior to non-vented earplugs while sleeping.

Can Earplugs cause Sore Throat?

Throat pain or sore throat is commonly defined as discomfort or pain in a person’s throat area. Bacterial infections are a major cause for sore throat.

Some common symptoms of sore throat are cough, fever, earaches, runny nose, body aches, sneezing, and hoarseness. In some case, the doctor prescribes antibiotics for the affected person.

As mentioned earlier, plugging the natural wax outlet for a long time prevents the box from moving out of the ears and traps bacteria inside, leading to infections, including sore throat.

Can Earplugs cause Tinnitus

Tinnitus happens to be a sensation wherein a person hears sounds although there is no external sound. The affected person may hear sounds like whooshing, humming, ringing, and buzzing in their ears.

If you continue to use earplugs for a long period, it can move earwax into their ear leading to a buildup. The clogging of wax can cause many issues, including tinnitus.

An earplug may not lead to permanent tinnitus on its own. Permanent tinnitus may occur when you use defective earplugs.

The condition can also take place if you failed to properly safeguard your ears from harmful external noises, such as loud sounds. It can also happen when you do not treat your ear infection caused due to bacteria-laden or dirty earplugs.

In certain situations, earplugs can aggravate tinnitus if you use a specific pair of earplugs quite frequently. If your earplugs cannot block loud sounds, which they insist to block, tinnitus can worsen.

Plus, using earplugs for reducing external noise may make the condition more noticeable as the external sound is less to muffle the sound of tinnitus.

Make sure you visit an ENT specialist if you feel you have developed this condition without much delay. It is to avoid matters from aggravating further.

Can Wearing Earplugs Cause Headaches?

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Is there an Alternative to Earplugs for Sleeping?

There are some alternatives of earplugs available on the market. You can use earmuffs, which are available in different models to fit people. These devices are capable of blocking out noise entirely as they cover the outer ear.

Earmuffs can look low profile featuring small ear cups. Some of these are large enough to carry additional materials to be used in extreme noise. Also, some muffs have electronic components for assisting users to block or communicate impulsive noises.

However, workers with sideburns, having heavy beards or those who wear glasses may face difficulties to get adequate protection from these devices. Earmuffs have some other potential cons as some people can feel these are bulky and hot in certain environments.

Another alternative of earplugs are canal caps. These devices look similar to earplugs and some even come with headbands to wear under the chin, behind the neck, or over the head.

The key merit of canal caps is that these offer greater convenience. If there is no noise around, employees may leave it hanging around the necks.

Is Wearing Earplugs at Work Safe?

Earplugs PPE that are usually issued on worksites having high noise levels. However, if you insert them incorrectly, there is minimal or no protection for your hearing.

However, if you are working at a site with too much noise, wit always better to use earplugs for your hearing protection. Typically, earplugs are safe to wear.

However, these may have some potential side-effects, particularly when someone uses them regularly. With prolonged use over time, these may push earwax further into the ears, leading to buildup.

It can trigger multiple issues, including tinnitus and hearing loss.

FAQ Related to Earplugs and Headaches

1. Can earplugs cause head pressure?

Ear plugs can press against the inner ear and jaw, leading to headaches at times. Preventive treatment is not possible apart from avoiding the trigger.

2. Can earwax cause headaches?

Accumulation of earwax may also cause headaches. As mentioned, earwax may buildup when you use earplugs for a long time.

Can Wearing Earplugs Cause Headaches?

Is Wearing Earplugs every Night Harmful?

Earplugs do not damage the wearer’s hearing. So, people can use these on all nights subject to maintaining proper hygiene.

For instance, you should wash your hands and dry them properly before inserting the earplugs to avoid the possibility of outer ear infection. A good hygiene practice is to clean the earplugs regularly to do away with possible infections.

The idea is to prevent accumulation of earwax and also ensuring that the wearer does not have an ear infection. The article has also covered that earplugs protect the ears from loud noises and help in quality sleep, which is necessary for overall health.

At the same time, the wear should use them with caution. If the wearer follows the using protocols, hygiene guidelines, throw these after using, they may not cause any harm.

 Do Earplugs have Side Effects?

There is no doubt that earplugs may act as a thin line between a productive day, good sleep at night and hearing loss, there are some side effects too. These side effects can pop up when the wear does not use it responsibly.

For example, if you wear earplugs regularly but fail to remove the accumulated wax from your ears, it can move back deep into your ears. The wax buildup may lead to tinnitus, infection, and even temporary hearing loss.

If this happens to you, you should use prescribed or over-the-counter ear drops. On certain occasions, the affected person should consult a healthcare specialist for removing the wax.

A second way the side effects may occur is due to the regular use of earplug and not throwing these even after they are dirty. Usually, may earplugs are designed for disposal after using them once.

The fact is that most earplugs are available in multiple sets or a bag. It also means you can throw them away for a replacement pair if you again need the earplugs. What happens if a person does not throw away the earplugs and use them multiple times? They may get an ear infection because of the bacteria growth, grime, and dirt.

Ear infections can be painful to handle. The worst case scenario could be that ear infections may cause long-lasting complications and hearing loss.

 What Happens if you Wear Earplugs Every Day?

If you repeatedly use the same earplugs, bacteria may grow on them. It then multiples in your ear’s moist environment.

Any ear infection may cause discharge, loss of hearing, redness, and pain. There can also be permanent hearing damage if timely medical intervention

Can Sleeping with Earplugs cause Sinus Problems?

A potential risk that may arise while sleeping with your earplugs is building up of earwax. It is true that earwax is essential to maintain the proper health of the wearer’s inner ears.

However, an ear infection or buildup of wax may lead to an array of problems ranging from nausea and dizziness to pain and itching. Other issues that may occur are tinnitus, hearing loss and also sinus in certain cases.

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