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Can Eating Gluten Cause Headaches?

Last updated on January 6th, 2023 at 12:10 pm

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It’s no secret that eating gluten can cause digestive problems for people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity.

But research suggests that this protein found in wheat, barley, and rye may also cause headaches in some people.

If you’re one of those people, cutting out gluten from your diet could help get rid of your headaches. Here’s what you need to know about gluten and headaches.

What does a gluten headache feel like?

A gluten headache is a type of headache that is triggered by consuming gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley. Gluten headaches can occur in both people with and without celiac disease. 

Gluten headaches are often described as feeling like a tight band around the forehead.

Other symptoms may include fatigue, brain fog, and nausea. For some people, gluten headaches can be so severe that they resemble migraines. 

If you suspect that you are experiencing a gluten headache, the best way to confirm the diagnosis is to see a doctor for testing.

Blood tests can help to rule out celiac disease, and an elimination diet may be necessary to identify trigger foods. 

Once the source of your headaches has been identified, avoiding gluten will be the best way to prevent future episodes.

How to get rid of a gluten headache?

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley. It is responsible for the elasticity of dough and the chewy texture of the bread.

For people with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity, ingesting gluten can cause a range of symptoms, including headaches. 

If you have noticed that you often get headaches; there are a few things you can do to lessen the likelihood of getting a gluten headache.

  • First, be sure to read food labels carefully. Many processed foods contain gluten, even if they don’t contain any wheat-based ingredients.
  • If you’re unsure whether a product contains gluten, contact the manufacturer to find out. 
  • Second, choose Gluten-Free alternatives when possible.
  • There are many delicious Gluten-Free breads, pasta, and snacks available on the market. 
  • Finally, avoid eating out at restaurants unless you’re confident that they can accommodate your dietary needs.
  • Even if a restaurant offers Gluten-free options, there is always the risk of cross-contamination with wheat-based products.

By following these tips, you can help to reduce your chances of getting a gluten headache.

Can gluten cause headaches and dizziness?

There is no definitive answer to whether or not gluten can cause headaches and dizziness. Some people report that they feel better when they avoid gluten. While others find that they don’t notice any difference. 

Headaches and dizziness are common symptoms of many different conditions, so it can be difficult to determine whether or not gluten is the root cause. 

If you think that you may be sensitive to gluten, it’s worth eliminating it from your diet for a few weeks to see if your symptoms improve.

You can also talk to your doctor about having a blood test to check for celiac disease, which is an autoimmune disorder that is triggered by gluten.

How to test for gluten intolerance?

Gluten intolerance is a condition that affects the digestive system.

People with gluten intolerance have a difficult time digesting gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. 

As a result, they may experience symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, and fatigue.

There are a few different ways to test for gluten intolerance. 

  • One option is to keep a food diary for several weeks, noting down any symptoms that occur after eating foods containing gluten. 
  • Another option is to undergo a blood test, which can detect antibodies that are produced in response to gluten. 
  • Finally, some people opt to try a gluten-free diet for a period of time to see if their symptoms improve. 

If you think you may be intolerant to gluten, talk to your doctor about which testing option is right for you.

With the help of a medical professional, you can make sure that you are properly diagnosed and get started on the road to feeling your best.

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How long do gluten headaches last?

While the jury is still out on whether or not gluten can actually cause headaches, many people report experiencing “gluten headaches”.

These headaches are usually characterized by severe pain and pressure, and they can last for hours or even days. 

If you think you may be suffering from gluten headaches, the best course of action is to avoid foods that contain gluten. And see if your headaches go away.

If they do, it’s likely that gluten was the cause. 

However, if your headaches persist, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional to rule out other potential causes.

How long after eating gluten do symptoms start?

For those with celiac disease or gluten intolerance, consuming even a small amount of gluten can cause uncomfortable and sometimes serious symptoms.

But how long after eating gluten do these symptoms typically start? 

For most people with celiac disease, symptoms usually begin within 30 minutes to 3 hours after consuming gluten.

However, some people may not experience symptoms for days or even weeks after exposure. 

It’s important to remember that everyone reacts differently to gluten, and the timing of symptoms can vary depending on the individual. 

If you suspect you have celiac disease or gluten intolerance, it’s best to speak with a healthcare professional to get a diagnosis and develop a treatment plan.

List some gluten-free foods

Contrary to popular belief, there are a variety of foods that are naturally gluten-free.

These include fruits and vegetables, meat and poultry, fish and seafood, eggs, nuts and seeds, and certain grains such as quinoa and rice. 

While many processed foods also do not contain gluten, it is important to check the labels to be sure. 

Some common gluten-free food items include bread and pasta made from rice or quinoa flour, corn tortillas, potato chips, PB&J sandwiches on wheat-free bread.

With a little creativity, it is possible to enjoy a delicious and nutritious gluten-free diet.

FAQ relating to Can eating gluten cause headaches

What do gluten headaches feel like?

People with gluten sensitivity may experience a range of symptoms, including headaches.

While the exact causes of gluten headaches are not yet known, they are thought to be connected to the body’s inflammatory response to gluten. 

For many people, the symptoms are similar to those of migraines, although they may not be as severe.

Common symptoms include throbbing head pain, sensitivity to light and noise, nausea, and fatigue. 

If you suspect that you may be experiencing gluten headaches, it is important to see a doctor or allergist for testing.

With proper diagnosis and treatment, you can minimize your symptoms and live a healthier, happier life.

Why does gluten cause a headache?

Gluten is a type of protein found in wheat, barley, and rye.

For people with celiac disease, consuming gluten can damage the lining of the small intestine and prevent the absorption of nutrients.

Headaches are a common symptom of celiac disease, and they can be caused by a number of factors. 

  • First, inflammation from gluten exposure can cause changes in blood vessels that lead to headaches. 
  • Second, nutrient deficiencies resulting from malabsorption can also contribute to headaches. 
  • And finally, the stress of managing celiac disease can trigger headaches. 

If you suspect that gluten is causing your headaches, it’s important to see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

How do you get rid of a gluten headache?

A gluten headache is a type of headache that is caused by consuming gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. Symptoms of a gluten headache include pain in the temples, neck pain, and fatigue. 

While there is no cure for a gluten headache, there are several ways to relieve the symptoms. 

Over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or aspirin can help to reduce pain.

Drinking plenty of fluids and getting enough rest can also help to reduce fatigue. 

If you suspect that you have a gluten headache, make sure to consult with your doctor to confirm the diagnosis and develop a treatment plan.

What are the warning signs of gluten intolerance?

Gluten intolerance is a condition that occurs when the body cannot properly digest gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye.

People with gluten intolerance may experience a variety of symptoms, including bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, fatigue, and headache. 

In some cases, gluten intolerance can also lead to weight loss or malnutrition. If you think you may be gluten intolerant, it is important to see a doctor for a diagnosis. 

Blood tests and biopsies can help to confirm the diagnosis. Treatment for gluten intolerance typically involves following a strict gluten-free diet.


Gluten sensitivity has been linked to a variety of health problems, including headaches.

If you are experiencing gluten-related headaches, it’s important to get checked out by a doctor to rule out any other potential causes. 

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for eliminating gluten from your diet, but there are many resources available to help you find the best way to live without gluten. 

Have you eliminated gluten from your diet in an effort to reduce your headache symptoms? What tips would you share with others who are considering doing the same?

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